
Tsm Show Slots Command


Use the tsm topology commands to prepare File Store nodes for safe removal or to put them back into read-write mode. You can also initiate a repository failover, get a list of nodes or ports, get the bootstrap configuration file required to add additional nodes to your cluster, remove nodes, configure external repository, and external File Store. TSM client utility - Archive files: dsmc del: ar /opt.su=yes -pick (Delete archive files in archive /opt and use the 'pick' command to list the archive files to select) TSM client utility - Delete archive files: dsmc i-quiet /tmp/tsm.out (Run an incremental backup (i) and only report errors (-quiet) and direct all output to the log file.

The following guide describes how to restore files and folders from TSM Server using TSM Client command line.

The basic syntax for restoring data from TSM is the following:

If the destination of restoration is omitted, then the TSM will restore the file to its original location.

By default, the TSM restores the most current active version of a file.

Restoration of a Single File

To specify a directory as a destination, you need to add slash “/” at the end of the destination path of restoration. Note that the TSM may overwrite a file of the same name in the destination directory.

The following example demonstrates that the restored file will be named MyFile-rest.txt.

Restoration of Multiply Files

Tsm Show Slots Command Bot

Multiply files can be restored using “file by file” restoration like above, or using wildcards.

Available wildcards

  • ? – for a single character substitution;
  • * – for multiple characters substitution.

ATTENTION: You cannot use wildcards in the names of the folders.

Tsm Show Slots Command Block


Restoration of Multiple Files and Folders

To restore a full directory and the contents of all its sub-directories you need to use -subdir=yes option.

Restoration of Entire Partitions

Essentially, the syntax is the same as in “Restoration of Multiple Files and Folders” above. However, the obvious caveats are to ensure that you have enough space in the destination partition.

Point in Time Restoration

Here is the syntax for the restoration of a single file for specific date and time . Syntax is the same for the other cases.

There are three different types of date available for restores:

  • todate – will restore all ACTIVE and INACTIVE files backed up BEFORE the date specified;
  • fromdate – will restore all ACTIVE and INACTIVE files backed up AFTER the indicated date;
  • pitdate – will restore only the files that were ACTIVE on the day specified.
Tsm Show Slots Command

You can use -*date and -pittime options together or separately.

  • MM – a month
  • dd – a day
  • YYYY – a year
  • hh – an hour
  • mm – minutes

TIP: The format of pitdate command differs upon the clients. Use the same format as your client uses.

Restoration of Old or Deleted Files

As with the GUI, TSM does not, by default, list or restore old and deleted inactive versions of files and directories.

If you want to restore a such file, you need use the -inactive and -pick options.

Tsm Show Slots Commands

The -pick option causes TSM to display a list of files from which you can pick.

Issuing a restore as below will display a pick window.

In a pick interface you will be able to select files to restore via the numbers.

Tsm Show Slots Command Cheat

Remember to issue the destination path of restoration with the original restore command if you want to prevent overwriting current versions of files with older versions.

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