
Symptoms Of Compulsive Gambling Disorder


What is gambling addiction?

Physical Symptoms of Excessive Gambling The emotional withdrawal symptoms discussed can also present themselves as physical symptoms. Anxiety or depression can cause sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can cause pale skin, weight gain/loss, acne and dark circles under the eyes. Signs and symptoms of a person with gambling disorder or compulsive gambling include: Acquiring an excitement from taking large gambling risks is a sign of gambling disorder or compulsive gambling. Acquiring even bigger gambling risks by the day. Thoughts and imaginations of gambling day and night.

  • Signs and symptoms of compulsive gambling (gambling disorder) include: Being preoccupied with gambling, such as constantly planning how to get more gambling money Needing to gamble with increasing amounts of money to get the same thrill Trying to control, cut back or stop gambling, without success.
  • Yes, Compulsive Gambling causes complications if it is not treated. Below is the list of complications and problems that may arise if Compulsive Gambling is left untreated: alcohol and drug abuse.

Gambling refers to an activity in which a person risks something valuable to them in order to win something in return. Common forms of gambling include betting in casinos or on sporting events.

Gambling disorder describes a loss of control of gambling behavior that causes significant problems with finances, work, or personal relationships. Sometimes it is also called compulsive gambling or problem gambling. People with a gambling disorder are unable to control their gambling activities.

How common is gambling addiction?

Compulsive gambling affects an estimated two to four percent of the population in the United States.

What causes gambling addiction?

An uncontrollable desire for the rush or excitement of winning can lead to compulsive gambling. There is no known cause for this disorder. In some cases, the condition runs in families.

What are the symptoms of gambling addiction?

Signs of gambling addiction include:

  • Thinking about gambling more often; having a craving for gambling that grows in intensely
  • Gambling money or possessions you don’t have
  • Needing to make bigger bets more often to achieve the rush of excitement
  • Becoming irritable or restless when trying to stop or slow down gambling
  • Chasing losses (gambling after losing money to win back the loss)
  • Continuing to gamble even when it negatively affects finances, work, or personal relationships
  • Lying to keep gambling activity secret
  • Difficulty controlling gambling activity
  • Gambling when feeling anxious or agitated or to manage other uncomfortable feelings
  • Seeking financial assistance from others due to money problems from gambling
Symptoms Of Compulsive Gambling Disorder

Last updated: 10/25/2018
Author: Addictions.com Medical Review

Reading Time: 3minutes

Anyone who likes to gamble doesn’t have to go far to find a way to place a bet. Both legal and illegal gambling operations continue to increase in number; especially with ongoing internet technology advancements at our fingertips.If you or someone you know is struggling with a gambling habit, a good first step towards gaining control lies in learning to spot the symptoms of gambling addiction. Not surprisingly, the symptoms of gambling addiction hold a strong similarity to those of other addictions.

Gambling Addictions

Drastic mood changes are a common sign of gambling addiction.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine describes a gambling addiction as an impulse-control disorder. Like most every impulse-control disorder, a person’s inability to control the behavior is the deciding factor. Symptoms of gambling addiction play out in the same areas of life as an alcohol or drug addiction would. The addict’s behavior becomes excessive to the point where gambling, or the thought of gambling becomes the focus of his or her world. Daily obligations and responsibilities take a backseat to any opportunity to gamble. Much like the drug addict, a person’s life – family, friends and job – slowly slips away as the addiction grows stronger.

Symptoms Of Compulsive Gambling

The symptoms of gambling addiction remain the same whether a person frequents an actual casino or online betting sites. Be it playing the lottery, slot machines or playing poker, the addiction cycle functions the same way.



Also known as compulsive gambling, pathological gambling, and problem gambling, an actual addiction diagnosis involves one to four main symptoms that exist apart from any other conditions or disorders. The four main symptoms of gambling addiction are:

  • A preoccupation with gambling to the point where it occupies every waking thought. This includes planning for future gambling pursuits and devising ways to acquire money for gambling purposes
  • An inability to cut back on gambling behavior after multiple attempts have been made
  • Putting important life areas at risk (work, friendships, significant relationships) for the sake of gambling
  • Changes in mood, changes in overall sense of well-being when unable to engage in gambling activities.

Inevitably, significant parts of a person’s life start to fall away as symptoms of gambling addiction take top priority over everything else. In many cases, a person has to hit rock bottom before seeing the problem for what it is.

Symptoms of compulsive gambling

Gambling Addiction Diagnosis

Since other conditions and/or circumstances can influence a person’s overall behavior, a true gambling addiction exists apart from any other pre-existing conditions. This means, the symptoms of gambling addiction must be able to stand on their own without any other co-occurring influences.

Co-occurring influences can take the form of problems with alcohol and drugs. Mental health problems, such as bipolar disorder, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder can also trigger gambling binges. Medical conditions can also cause a person to act erratically or act on impulse.

Symptoms Of Compulsive Gambling Disorder Dsm 5

In order to get the kind of help a person needs, a comprehensive physical and psychological evaluation should be done to identify any conditions that may produce symptoms of gambling addiction. Regardless of the source of the problem, symptoms of gambling addiction should be viewed as a warning sign that something’s wrong.

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